"I am Jack's brutal honesty."

Sep 16, 2005 01:49

I'm bored, ur bored. Let's all do ourselves a favor and do this quiz this ok? Beautiful. :)

1. Who are you?

2. Are we friends?

3. When and how did we meet?

5. Would you kiss me?

6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

7. Describe me in one word.

8. What was your first impression?

9. Do you still think that way about me now?

10. What reminds you of me?

11. If you could give me anything what would it be?

12. How well do you know me?

13. When's the last time you saw me?

14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

15. Are there any memories with me that stand out?

16. Have I impacted you?

19. How often do I cross your mind?

20. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

Fruits Basket is waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to fucking happy but surprisingly addictive.

... damn the guy who won't tell her how he feels. "I'm growing strawberries for you." (Summarized) "oh, thank you. *she smiles) and he does fucking nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to kill the japanese bastard who had to make every anime guy either completly carefree, gets mad over everything, the strong silent type, or the shy school boy. Jesus! Am I alone here? Come on. Why can;t the guy just tell her!!!!!!!!

... I need to calm down... I am ranting about a show that I used to hate at first... It's got a hold on me.

My job sucks.
#1. Got standards today. (high pressure situtation where the guys from corporate come to make sure we're doing everthing by the book.)
#2. Jay and Sheryll were there. (two of my bosses that could get me fired really quick if i fuck up.)
#3. Was sick with stomach virus but had to work anyway.
#4. Noone on 2nd shift takes me seriously or will listen to me... and even if they do, they have to add their 2 cents and make me look like a jackass in front of everyone and it's going to cost me assisstant manager or even my job.
#5. People cannot get it through their heads that when they call me at work and I seem pissed it's because I'm at work and not that I am pissed at them.
#6. My General Manager gets onto me about everything, and even when i do some thing exceptionally, I still get no fucking credit.
#7. Ryley is a jackass and he makes more than me even though I have more experience.
#8. Every time a schedule comes out me and amy's schedules are exact opposites. (i.e. My off days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Her off days: Tuesday and Thursday I believe.)
#9. I burn, cut, or bruise myself every fucking day of the week, and some have left some ugly ass scars. (and no, it's not just me being a klutz, it's the fucking job.)

Who wouldn't hate my job???

... anyway just take the quiz thing, I'll screen em so ya can be honest and I can find out if ur really assholes or not. ;)

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