Feb 11, 2008 00:25
so last night after my post, i did go to bed. i was asleep by 11 p.m. well, my sister called and the neighbours came home, but i feel asleep again. i also ignored my sister's call. i didn't get up until 11 a.m. you think 12 hours of sleep would have been enough. nope. i had an hour nap while watching television before work. i imagine if i hadn't had to work, i would have been back in bed.
i am tired yet again. this is at least a little more acceptable because it is 12:30 a.m. i'm going to have to take more tylenol again because i'm hella achy. its very windy and cold here. well, not as cold as other parts fo the province or country, but its cold. my asthma kicked up pretty bad earlier because i had quite a walk today when the bus decided to leave ahead. walking into the 50 km/h wind gusts isn't very good for the asthma. i don't recommend it. i'm finally feeling a little better. i felt quite weak for about 3 hours of my shift. not fun. really, i'm ready for spring.
i want to have a cinnamon bun, but james bond is here and he thinks he should have one. i didn't know i had a human living with me. i thought i had a cat. lol. he was just watching that mcdonalds commerical with the little goalie and i think his little kitty brain wanted to play with it. lol.
okay, off i go. tomorrow is day 5 of 6 in a row. joy.
james bond