Jan 14, 2007 22:25
so they are threating us with a blast and a half of winter. i an inclined to believe it. i've been fighting migraines since yeterday and i'm sure its because of the system moving in. we are expecting 10-15 cm of heavy snow and then ice pellets and freezing rain on top of that. lovely! i'm glad i've got tomorrow off!
i had today off and i enjoyed myself watching football and american chopper. i also watched 24. i'm undecided on how i feel about it. i think its going to be better than last years was. this was definatly good. we shall see how the season continues.
i really enjoyed watching the patriots/chargers game today. i admit i was worried there for a few minutes, but my boy tom brady managed to help lead the team to a win. yay! he's so pretty!!
cleaned the science experiments out of my fridge today. it wasn't that bad. i have smore more household stuff to do tomorrow.
james bond is my hero. he's such a good cat. yesterday my pot of water for dinner was making an awful smell. there was something on the burner and it was burning. stunk bad. i was in the bathroom and he came to the door and meowed. didn't come in, but sat there waiting for me. when i came out he kept looking at me all stressed and kept looking down the hall to the kitchen. that's when i smelled the burning smell. off i went with kitty in tow and cleaned up the stink. it was so cute though! he knew i could have been in danger and he let me know! my cat rules!
other than that, that's about all i have for the moment. i'm going to head for now and listen to some music that my friend sent me.
tom brady,
house cleaning,
james bond,