[#6] [In which America poorly westernizes good foreign movies]

Mar 18, 2010 23:41

I just found out about this..

Hvað er þetta?! Ég trúi ekki að Ameríka væri ..*

I mean, it was great that they've finally realised there's talent outside of America but..all they're doing is taking that talent and turning it into over-the-top Hollywood acting.

.T-this film made the most money and had the most success out of any movie ever made in Iceland....ever.

I don't understand why Hollywood thinks they have to remake it and move the location to Louisiana.

I guess it wouldn't make sense to anyone else..

Efnahag Íslands er ekki að gera það vel. Það eru nokkur atriði í bíómynd, eins og lítil samfélög og mystics... þú getur ekki tekið slíkan framúrskarandi árangri og snúa það inn í a ódýr American tryllir með ekkert samsæri!

[ooc: *What is this? I cannot believe that America would..    **Iceland's economy is not doing so well. There are few things in the movie, such as small communities and mystics ... you can't take such an outstanding success and turn it into a cheap American thriller with no plot!]

icu can be mad too y'know, ruin your own films not ours, type:blog

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