
Jul 27, 2012 13:44

Yesterday (July 26th) we lost my mama.

She had had a stroke on June 18th, right after I graduated... she initially showed signs of encouragement but the prognosis was that her motor cortex had suffered all the damage, and she would never regain movement, even though she was conscious... she could only communicate by moving her eyes, but she had lost no memory (as far as we could tell, asking her questions with Yes and No answers).

One month later, July 18th (my 32nd birthday), her condition took a turn downward. She had gotten multiple staph infections and was fighting pneumonia, she was in pain all the time and when I managed to visit her (I live several hours from there) she just looked desperate and frantic. We asked her if she wanted us to let her go, and she signed yes... and the relief on her face was beyond my ability to describe. Dad and I had her moved to a Hospice facility, and four days later, she died peacefully, in comfort.

I'm heartbroken and frayed. I don't know what to do now or what to say. More clever and calm people than me have given me words of encouragement and profound things that made me feel better... but I'm still distraught, and I don't know when I'll be okay again. She was only 55 years old. I love her and miss her more than I can begin to communicate.

Rest in Peace, Kay Clark ~ 11/26/1956 - 07/26/2012.
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