I'm On A Bus (On A Bus)

Jun 04, 2009 09:54

i. So I am in the middle (or thereabouts) of Cyteen right now, and without spoilers, I can say this much: Occasionally -- not often, but sometimes -- I will come across books that make me envision some kind of supervisor living in my head holding up a giant checklist of kinks and going through and marking each box. Because seriously, this book is a giant motherfucking checklist of my kinks. (I had the same experience reading The Stratford Man.) Needless to say, I'm enjoying it immensely.

ii. The trouble with inviting XI-verse Jim Kirk to live in your head is that he moves in with surprising ease and kind of assumes command like he's always been there. It's like you let him crash on your couch one night, and two weeks later he's rummaging through your fridge asking you where you keep the good stuff, throwing his laundry in with yours (and probably mixing the whites and the darks, too, because that's Just How He Rolls), and leaving his socks in the strangest places. And when you point out to him that Mark One Kirk never would have put his feet up on the coffee table, he just kind of looks up at you and grins. The man has about thirty different varieties of cocky asshole grin, I swear, and all of them (or most of them) manage to somehow be endearing.
...hi my name is Puel and I construct weird metaphors. *laughs* I do kind of conceptualize the characters I write as a cast of people living in my head, though; it helps as a way to personalize their voices and make my creative process a whole lot less abstract.

iii. Speaking of my creative process, I am just now remembering a conversation I had with Linden, who I dearly miss, the last time I was in NYC about how Yes, Virginia has the same number of sections as "Mrs. O," the song that is its background music/framing device/inspiration/whatever, has verses. Quoth me: "Really? I didn't even catch that." Which sort of got me thinking about my creative process in general, and how I write, and how it is a very different process from how Mith or Linden writes and how it's probably not the way people think I write, either.
So I don't know, guys. Would you be interested in me doing a kind-of-summary of my writing process? I think I'd use Apostle's Creed as my example, because that's one of the clearest ones of it, I think.

process: part preparation and part panic, i'd rather just sing, the house in my head, awesome things by awesome people, meta(stasis)

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