Return from wedding (which was lovely; when I get my hands on pictures, I'll share a few, because damn I looked hot in that dress) and am launched straight into finals. Le sob.
Anyway -- this is something I wrote about half a month ago on the Hetalia anon meme, to answer the following question: what has feminism done for you? And/or how much
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I don't think being a feminist means you have to identify with or agree with all feminist ideology, because there isn't one feminist ideology. I have plenty of disagreements with some of the gender essentialism in certain lines of feminist argument, and though I think a lot of modern feminists are working hard to incorporate examinations of racism and homophobia into their activist work, that hasn't always been true in the past. Still, I think a lot of those women have done good work; they just might not have unpacked as many of their underlying cultural constructs as they should have, and that kind of unpacking is seriously hard work.
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