Day Six: Things that Make Me Happy

Dec 09, 2008 08:06

i) Got called back for Metamorphoses! I really hope I get cast in that one; I love Mary Zimmerman, and I love her adaptation, and I am fairly confident that I can handle the language, and oh god it's so gorgeous...

ii) This meme. omgyouguyz. Am blushing. (Look around in the comments for people you know. Is a very worthwhile endeavor. Seriously there are tons of people on my flist in there somewhere, and they all need lots of love.)

iii) Giving Yule gifts to people in a way that means I can actually follow through on them. hint hint ask me for stuff. I like giving people things.

(In less happy news, am running on like two point five hours of sleep, but -- well, finals season. Is to be expected.)

i've got a little list, and there was much rejoicing, all the world's a stage, 'tis the season

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