It's not Thanksgiving yet, is it? Damn. (plus: meme.)

Nov 24, 2008 12:27

As is probably apparent from the post yesterday, computer is deAIDSified. All my files are intact, I just need to get my programs back and find out where I put the CD that has the drivers for my sound card, because I miss watching movies on this thing.

Silly Jade.

Am sort of doing mass comment catchup now (which includes all those Object of Desire ficbits I never got around to writing, because I actually am in kind of a porning mood now and I have hours backstage where I will be sitting in the dark and doing NOTHING so therefore!), because I have been a Failpuel at talking to people. *headdesk*

Also ended up watching the first four episodes of Season Two of Stargate SG1. It is TV popcorn: buttery and kind of addictive but not terribly substantial. Still, it's fun, and I'm rather fond of Daniel Jackson, which should not be surprising to anyone. I may watch more later.
(I keep replacing "Gou'ald" with "Yeerk" in my head. Anyone else do that? shut up Animorphs is awesome.)

Oh, and apparently Tour of Duty is up for Best Tragedy at the Genesis Awards, which is pretty cool. Totally did not realize it until the mod contacted me through my account at the Pit -- and had not thought of the fic in months, really -- but still, quite flattering., I haven't written FFVII in what, a year? Almost.

Speaking of things surprising to people who are reading me:
What has surprised you the most about me (if anything) since joining my flist/"friending me"? Was anything completely unexpected or have I always fit the picture of me you have in your head?
I am very interested to hear the answers to this one, so go ahead and share. (Meme stolen from lots of people.)

but the point madam, life outside the internets, process: part preparation and part panic, meme me, fandom: ffvii

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