a meme-ish mishmash

Jun 04, 2008 23:39

So I thought I might have something finished by tonight, but I forgot:

a) Putting Subaru in the same room as Hisoka Kurosaki is going to lead to conflation and broken mirrors of truly epic proportions, and that's not even taking into consideration the nature of the overarching plot.

2) Putting Roland in the same room as Aigis is going to involve Roland thinking about what she represents, and when Roland starts thinking, the fic gets REALLY LONG, because Roland kind of lives in his head. (Until the Embryon drags him out of it, anyway.)

I might do shortish things for two of the items on the BSG list for 0tp week one, but we'll see. I really am trying to remember that this is a LOW-PRESSURE CHALLENGE.

Also, I hate myself a little for having to learn "We're All In This Together" from High School Musical. Have been blasting Sweeney Todd in a desperate attempt to get the damn song out of my head. Do not want.

In lieu of that, then, a meme, stolen from Mith. (Insert joke about emulation here.)

Ask me three questions:

One about the real life.

One about the fandom life.

One about the future of either.

Questions can be as silly or as serious as you like. I will be candid.

but the point madam, process: part preparation and part panic, meme me, i'd rather just sing

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