spam and meme

Apr 07, 2008 00:11

a) Maps are freaking hard to draw. Even with rulers and t-squares and other such fiddly instruments. I foresee many wadded-up papers in the future.

b) For the music meme, I think I am changing the tenth song VNV Nation - Holding On because I do things like that sometimes. :D So go ahead and claim it here if it strikes you. Same rules as before.
They say that "Time will heal"
"The truth shall set us free"
Well that depends
on what it is
that you choose to believe

c) Baccano! related - so, uh, do we know if Luck ever gets married? Because later canon might completely Joss this, but I kiiiiind of have this idea brewing about it. And I kind of like said idea. And Dallas kind of makes D: D: STAY AWAY FROM MY LITTLE SISTER and please don't throw me in the hudson river again face.

process: part preparation and part panic, meme me, for great research!, i'd rather just sing, fandom: baccano!

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