Friends, watchers, countrymen, lend me your ears, for I have decided to put all current and future projects on hold.
Why, do you ask?
Because I am on a mission. I had a dream last night, ladies and gentlemen, and in that dream the noble and sweet and good and speshul and unique RPG heriones, Rinoa Heartilly of FFVIII and Shion Uzuki of Xenosaga, told me that only I could tell the story of their love. A love to transcend game canon, common sense, and space and time itself. And who am I to deny such a pure and beautiful call? Who am I to refuse to chronicle their bliss? They have told me what must happen, and I, their humble servant, must make it so.
How wrong I have been in denying them, in proclaiming them weak and shallow characters! How wrong I have been to call their actions idiocy and foolishness! How wrong have I been to entertain thoughts of hitting them over the head with bricks, wrenches, candlesticks, lead pipes, and other heavy objects capable of denting even their thick skulls! For I have now realized what their creators knew all along: They Are Always Right, because they are Good And Pure, and indeed Better Than We Humble Mortals Can Dream Of Being, and their essential Goodness And Specialness lets them see the truth that we silly "realists" scorn. Well, no longer. They are flawless, they are perfect, and they truly deserve each other.
And now a scene from my UPCOMING EPIC FEMSLASH ROMANCE, Bring Me To Life! I got the title from Evanescence, because only they express the depth of emotion necessary to convey the POWER and WONDER of Rinoa and Shion's star crossed love.
"But - " Rinoa said, her luminescent opalescent orbs filling with tears of crystalline wonder, " - that's wrong!"
"I've been trying to tell them," Shion sobbed, her ample bosom heaving, "but they won't listen! They don't believe that androids and Realians have feelings or souls or - or - hearts!"
"But love is the most powerful force in the universe!" Rinoa cried. "It can even stop Time Compression! Yes, love can control the flow of time itself, for it brought me here, to you! Love is a many-splendored thing! Love lifts us up where we belong! All you need is love!"
"Oh, Rinoa!" Shion caterwauled, and they embraced passionately and Sapphically.
Happy April 1st, everyone.