Stolen from Mith.

Mar 24, 2008 21:38

Thanks, you guys. So much love for you all. <3

Also, stealing something from Mith, because Mith pretty much owns my soul anyway.

Ten Things I Assume You Know About Me, in no particular order:

1. I read constantly. I've been an avid reader since I was about five or six, and nowadays I always keep a journal and a paperback book in my purse. My love of books explains or at least informs a lot of things about me: my language and writing skills, my not-so-great social skills (though I'm working on them) my vocabulary, my love of analysis and meta, the high value I place on intelligence, and my fannish pursuits. Of course, when you're young, the label of "bookworm" goes hand in hand with the label of "nerd," but I can't really quibble with that one. I do play Dungeons and Dragons, after all.

2. I've been reading fanfiction and lurking on fansites since the fifth or sixth grade, though such activity waxed and waned. (Oh, Animorphs. If anyone recognizes that series, I'll jump up and down with joy.) I didn't start actively participating in fandom until 2003, right before the release of Order of the Phoenix, when I started writing bad Harry Potter fanfic centered around the Marauders -- around Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, mainly. (I didn't ship them. Yet.) Mostly gen, mostly oneshots, mostly highly introspective character sketches. I'm on the periphery of Harry Potter fandom now, if that, but I have fond memories of it. Mostly.

3. I'm an actress. I'm waiting until I get my BFA in acting to join Equity and SAG, though. I use elements of the Stanislavski, Michael Chekhov, and Fitzmaurice schools of thought in my work, with a generous helping of Alexander Technique. I sing, and I can sort of dance, but neither is my primary focus. If I had my way, I'd perform Shakespeare to the exclusion of almost all else, but it's hard to make a living doing just that. I'm also an aspiring writer and maybe a baby anthropologist, if I can do all of that and graduate on time.

4. I has a mithrigil, and she is the best Mith ever. *loves* She's also probably at least indirectly responsible for most of the things I've posted since mid-May 2008, which is when we met and which is a really funny story in retrospect or at least a properly DRAMATIC!!!1 one...

5. I'm five foot five or thereabouts and weigh between 115 and 124 pounds, depending on how much of a control freak I'm being about my body. My satisfaction with my weight and appearance fluctuates a lot. I blame at least part of it on my chosen field. I look kind of like Hermione Granger, except with better teeth.

6. I'm a feminist. I refuse to apologize for the fact. I spend a lot of time thinking about gender and how our personal definitions and society's expectations regarding that concept shape and affect who we are. It shows.

7. I'm an avid roleplayer, probably because I'm an actress and writer. Or I'm an actress and writer because I roleplay. All three feed into each other. I have a very character-centric way of looking at things in that I tend to place two or more characters in proximity to each other and see what conflicts arise from their interactions. And then I write it down and extrapolate a little. It's like a one-woman roleplaying session, or a one-woman improv.

8. Power is my uberkink. Everything else ties into it. When I like pairings, the gender of the people I'm pairing almost never factors into it -- their power dynamic does. Same thing goes for fandoms: I tend to latch onto the ones dealing either implicitly or explicitly with power and control. I also really like talking about the nature of the creative process and how we construct and define the world around us, both of which pop up in the things I write and in the things I like.

9. I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was about six. The severity of of my depression changes, but the condition doesn't. (I have a whole host of other disorders I've been diagnosed with at various times, but I don't bother keeping track of them all.) I'm at the point where I've developed a morbid sense of humor about it and about everything else. Mostly.

10. I think what I want can best be summed up by a quote from Tennyson's Ulysses (because I'm a pretentious bookworm): "to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

UPDATED 1/08/09

In unrelated news, I'm writing Luck/Dallas -- uh, I guess the best way to describe it is deathplay. (Insert joke about "little death" here.) 'Cause, you know, Dallas never stays down for the count. My brain is a morbid place.

process: part preparation and part panic, meme me, hi there world

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