The semester's over in two days, thankfully.
Justine and Sarah Present The Adventures of Ultragirl is not completed per se, but it's ready to be turned in.
Yuletide piece needs another round of editing, and then that's done. (I'm happy with the fandom I ended up writing for.)
Christmas presents for other people may end up being posted between now and Ephiphany, but they'll arrive over the holiday season, at least. I still need to ask a few people for RW addresses so I can send a few little things out.
In major DO NOT WANT news -- and I realize I'm kind of behind the times here, but bear with me --
Terry Pratchett has been diagnosed with a rare form of early-onset Alzheimer's. There is no joy in Mudville, folks. He's a damn fine author and a wonderful man and it basically should have happened to anyone but him.
*whimpers, clutches Discworld books and Good Omens to chest*