Nov 05, 2007 19:01
So the bad news is that I threw up this morning in class.
The slightly-better news is that I don't have a fever, so I think it's probably just food poisoning and not viral. (I really, REALLY hope it isn't viral. I can't afford to get sick now.)
Since then, I have spent the day being bored out of my skull. Until I realized "hey, I have time to pick up Persona 3 now!" I am seriously crushing on Akihiko. And Mitsuru. And Junpei, although I think I'm crushing on Junpei in a different way.
And because my powers of changing the subject are indeed formidable: I have no idea where I got the idea for this meme from. But I thought it might be kind of fun.
Comment to this post with the first line of a fic, and I'll write the rest of it.
If I can't figure out the fandom and characters you're writing about, just include that somewhere else in the comment. Make the first sentence as silly or as serious as you like. AU/crossovers are fine, but if the first sentence doesn't imply either of those, leave information about the AU/crossover somewhere else in the comment. Hopefully that's all clear.
Fandoms I'm up for: FFXII (any), FFVII (any), FFVI (any), Firefly (any), Kingdom Hearts (any non-Disney), DDS (Embryon), Battlestar Galactica (pilots and/or Cylons), and Harry Potter (Marauder generation or older). You may throw other things at me if you wish, but I might ask you to pick something else if your first sentence doesn't deal with any of these fandoms.
Let's see how this goes. Hopefully it should be fun. And hopefully I won't throw up again.
genre: gen,
let you entertain me,
length: 100-1000,
fandom: harry potter,
meme me,
life outside the internets,
genre: m/m,
fandom: ffvii