And then I switch from poking Jowy Atreides with all the sticks to Flik and Odessa being awkwardorable. I think this one is basically spoiler-free, too! Unless “Flik and Odessa are my precious precious babies” is a spoiler, which I don’t think it is.
Title: A Hasty Proposition
Authors: Mithrigil and Puella Nerdii
Fandom: Suikoden I
Characters/Pairings: Flik/Odessa; Viktor, Humphrey, sundry members of the Liberation Army, and beer. Lots and lots of beer.
Words: ~4800
Rating: PG-13 (non-explicit but still-present discussion of sexytimes)
Don’t know the fandom? You might still like this if you enjoy: Country boys and city girls, things as close to romantic comedy as Mith and Puel will ever get, gender-reversing traditional fantasy narratives, the prospect of a burly semi-drunk bear playing Dan Savage.
Summary: Flik names his blade. He knows what that means. Odessa doesn’t.
"'Cause yeah, that kid hasn’t been around any block I know, but he ain’t bad with a sword, so I figured--" )
I'll add the LJ/DW links tomorrow, when Mith gets around to crossposting it over here.