Yuletide reveal!

Jan 01, 2012 12:35

To probably no one's surprise, I'm responsible for this:

Still Climbing After Knowledge Infinite (7492 words) by
Fandom: 16th & 17th Century CE RPF, SHAKESPEARE William - Works
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Christopher Marlowe/William Shakespeare
Characters: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Edward Alleyn, Walter Raleigh, Robert Greene, George Peele, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Watson, Thomas Walsingham
How much of the play is the playwright? In which Will Shakespeare meets Kit Marlowe, and in searching for Kit's voice, begins to discover his own.

Mith and Linden can vouch for the fact that, when I got my assignment, I literally shrieked out loud. Those of you who've been reading me for some length of time -- any length, really -- know of the depths of my Shakespeare geekitude, and those of you familiar with a certain sadly-unfinished epic of mine know how hard I ship William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. (Honestly, one of my biggest challenges in writing this was coming up with a plot that didn't involve zombies and name magic, because I'm not sure such a story would have been in the spirit of the challenge, or of my recipient's request.) I submerged myself in Shakespeareana, came up with an idea that could well have turned into a novel because I have too many damn ~feelings~ on Will and Kit and nearly all of them wanted to worm their way into the story at first, and hacked away at it until I had a story of more manageable length. I drew on Greenblatt's Will in the World a lot more than I thought I would, considering that I'm usually more of a Shapiro girl, but a few exceptionally suggestive passages about Tamburlaine and its influence on Will as a dramatist gave me the spark I needed.

Writing from Will's PoV was a blast, intimidating as the prospect was, and Kit is Kit. *grins* I missed submerging myself in Elizabethan England, and hopefully I'll have the chance to do it again soon.

I'm really proud of this story, and I hope you guys enjoy it, too. Thank you for the prompt, voksen!


fandom: 16th-17th century ce rpf, length: 5000-10000, rating: pg, challenge: yuletide, fic, genre: m/m

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