State of the Puel.

Dec 13, 2011 21:42

Hi Eljays!

I haven't posted here forever, I know. Real life's been a full-time commitment of late. Here's the bullet-point version of what I've been up to:

* working on IRB protocol, proposal, and obtaining site for my thesis
* directing project at a senior center
* internship and associated administrativa
* working on novelproject with my beloved partner-in-crime-and-other-things
* other exciting life developments!

So while I've been online, I haven't had the time, energy, or sustained fannish interest to keep up with a lot of LJ happenings. I've been around on tumblr and I'm usually reachable on Twitter, but well, it's easier to reblog and/or come up with 140 characters of witty things to say than it is to create an entire post full of content. And the longer I leave off doing it, the more I feel I have to say to cover all I've been up to, and it becomes like that giant pile of dishes in your sink that you don't even want to dive into because what the heck do you even wash first and what if you accidentally come across a mold colony.

I don't know what the mold colony is in this analogy, but roll with it.

Fannishly, I have several outstanding commitments I need to finish oh god help_japan my liiiife, and also birthday drabblethings, and I anticipate I'll be using January to finish those up, before the whirwhind that is my life picks up again. I'm also, obviously, doing yuletide, though I need to be making more headway on that than I actually am. I have a few stories-in-progress for different fandoms scattered around in my (physical) journal, but I don't know when or if they'll become actual things to actually post.

Holy craparooni, when's the last time I even posted fanfic? According to my tags, mid-August.

Anyway, how are y'all? Particularly those of you I don't get to chat with on other forms of social media.


life outside the internets

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