Birthday drabbles!

Oct 31, 2011 14:32

So tomorrow is my birthday!


I can't remember if I've ever done this before, but I know other people have, and I'm kind of in the mood, so hey. This year, I will be offering ten birthday drabbles on a mostly-first-come-first-serve basis, and I am really restricting myself to drabbles here.

It's pretty simple. Leave a character or pairing and a prompt (preferably not one that's practically a plot synopsis, but plot suggestions, quotes, lyrics, kinks, etc. are all fine), and I will write something for it. I reserve the right to ask you to pick something else if I'm not feeling it, but hopefully that won't be a problem.

GOOD FANDOMS: ~SUIKODEN V~, The Hunger Games, Homestuck, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones (giant cast, yes, but if the character/pairing utterly mystifies me, I'll let you know). Original fiction is also cool.
FANDOMS I WILL (PROBABLY) AT LEAST GIVE A SHOT: Tiger and Bunny, X-Men: First Class, various YA novels/series I've been chatting about over the past year.
You can try me on other things, but they will probably net a mmmmmmmmmmmmaybe at best.

I don't know when I'll finish these, but hopefully they'll be posted sometime over the next two weeks. *crosses fingers*

and hopefully by the end of the year I will have gotten my ass moving sufficiently on help_japan. ._.

1) mithrigil -- Suikoden V: Roy accidentally a revolution.
2) rijsg -- X-men First Class: Emma/Raven, sometimes Emma gets tired of being under Shaw. So she puts people under her.
3) kurifurinkan -- The Hunger Games: any of the victors, and makeup. How they feel about it, how it's used on them,what it says about them, whatever whatever.
4) melusinahp -- The Hunger Games: Peeta, something taking place while he's held captive by the Capitol.
5) lindensphinx -- Song of Ronan: scenes from Ronan's VERY FIRST days with the rest of his team.
6) zorabet -- The Hunger Games: Peeta, first time.
7) hiza_chan -- A Song of Ice and Fire: Arya+Jon Snow, a possible AU where Arya actually makes it to the wall and kicks a lot of ass with her brother, I lost a lovely smile somewhere, and many colors dropped out. The rigid spine will break, they say-- bend, bend.
8) l0stmyrel1g10n -- A Song of Ice and Fire: any pairing, balance of power.
9) saysann -- Homestuck: John/Karkat, where John is also a troll.
10) jethrien -- The Hunger Games: Prim learns medicine.


meme me, happy birthday to me (or thee)

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