I) So this has been true for a while now, but I have a
tumblr! It's called puelhathnofury because that's precisely the kind of dork I am. I'm mostly using it to stalk artists and reblog cool things about women's history now, but I'm starting to figure out how to actually interact with people on it. If you'd like to help me out with that,
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Neither of them is particularly good about respecting personal space out of bed, so in bed they try to cling together as close as physically possible and get tangled in each others' limbs and kiss and touch as much of one another as they can. Sometimes it's overwhelming, but neither of them really minds.
2. Who has prettier (or just more attractive) hair
Josiah, because he is a pretty pretty princess about his hair and spends an inordinate amount of time and money on oils and soaps and god knows what else to keep it thick and glossy. On the one hand, he's probably good at warding off lice! On the other hand, he is ridiculous.
3. What they argue about most often
Oliver, as he is avoidant as all hell and a born schemer to boot, doesn't always let Josiah in on his plans. Josiah really really resents this, as one of his driving motivations is to make Oliver see him as his equal. They also come into conflict over Josiah's recklessness, particularly when that recklessness gets him hurt. Or results in the death of his half-brother. It's a thing.
4. Who'd cope best if the other one died
Neither of them would cope particularly well, as both of them have, er, pronounced difficulties with moving on. But although Josiah is like Oliver in that he gets both mad and even, he doesn't do it on the same scale and with the same level of planning. If Jho died, Oliver would probably take the entire world with him.
5. The happiest plausible happily-ever-after I can think of for them
This is one of those times when I am going to go with your answer and say canon.
6. The most tragic possible ending for them
Josiah is put on trial and hanged for treason. The king dies at around the same time, and Oliver learns that he's in the line of succession. Oliver assumes the throne, much to Chris's delight, and gets rid of Chris as soon as it's politically expedient to do so, which delights Chris a lot less. He then proceeds to drag Sassen and Nedre and Keva into the kind of brutal all-out war that will take them decades, if not longer, to recover from.
7. What I enjoy most about their dynamic
So there's that thing we both have about incredibly screwed-up people trying to fix each other. Beyond that, though, I love how they define each other -- Oliver's still the standard against which Josiah measures himself, and for Oliver, Josiah's all the promise and potential of the future (it's notable that Oliver doesn't really start to hatch schemes of global conquest until Josiah says "fuck you and this Popsicle stand"). And the thematic tension at the heart of their relationship, the persistence of the past versus the promise of the future and how to reconcile them, is wonderful to explore.
8. What I find difficult to write about them
The naval vocabulary can get a bit daunting at times, particularly when writing about the Maehriya because it doesn't quite work like a ship-of-the-line.
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