letting some other folks come out and play.

Sep 02, 2010 21:02

first) If you live within commuting distance of NYC, can sing, and like Inception, check this post out! Mith is looking for volunteers for a Very Special Project.

second) I want prompts again, for like the first time in months! However, there is a twist: pick one (or more) of my OCs, and give me a one-sentence-ish prompt, preferably scenario-based.

eg.: the one where Josiah uses three flaming goats to capture a fort, the one where Amaryllis's kitty gives her reading lessons, the one where Darin figures out his boyfriend isn't exactly human.

If you don't know my OCs, that's okay! I realize I don't talk about them that much, which is partially why I am asking for prompts in the first place, as I'd like to change that. Give me a scenario and use Character A or Character B or whatever for names, like so: "Character A tries to tell Character B a secret, but does a really bad job of it," or "The first time Character A sees hir family in five years." I will find characters who work for the prompt and plug them in, and you'll get to meet some of the non-fannish people knocking around in my head.

(You can also ask general questions about original universes if you so prefer -- "what's the seediest port town in the world of Sweet Rabbit?," for example.)

Have at it! I have no idea how many people are actually interested in doing this, so I'm not going to place a limit on prompts just yet. If you give me like thirty, though, be warned that I might not get through all of them.


meme me, awesome things by awesome people, original fiction

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