Why Life Does Not Suck

Mar 17, 2010 19:04

one It is Saint Patrick's Day.
I am twenty-one.
I am in New York City on spring break.
Do the math.

two I have been writing! Consistently! Have not had any sit-down-and-bang-out-5000-words days recently, but those come and go; at least I have been setting sustainable writergoals for myself.

three bluef0x drew the scene where Lithuania's heart gets stepped on from the AHEWfic in my queue which actually has a surprisingly hopeful ending! But a lot of my Lithuania fics have surprisingly hopeful endings, I have found. Oh Liet. Anyway, point is that she's awesome and I am doing the whole SQUEE! HEARTBREAK! SQUEE! thing.

(Also awesome: littlemute's No Such Place lineart. Flist, why you rock so hard.)

four I went to a theatrical internship fair this past Saturday, and I think I hit it off with a few companies, knock wood -- at any rate, I sent out lots of copies of my resume, I'm doing follow-up work now, and I've gotten a few interview offers already (and free tickets to shows!), so I count that as a success.

The even bigger success, though?

CUNY fucking passed me through the first round of the applications process. I get to go on to the artistic review.

asljdfalsjdf;asdfalsjdf FUCK YES OH MY GOD.


life outside the internets, and there was much rejoicing, awesome things by awesome people, all the world's a stage

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