this is totally me being productive.

Dec 20, 2009 18:42

So how 'bout that snow, huh?

At least I have only about two days left before I'm done with school altogether. And then I can focus all my time and attention on. Uh. Grad-school applications.


...sob my life.

(At least I have made a considerable dent in my usxuk fill! That will be done on time, though I kind of wish I could have finished it for what is apparently US/UK Love Weekend. GREs, though.)


Saying Yes! starts in just about two weeks, so I'm going to start pimping it out a bit more aggressively, though the bulk of the HEY HEY YOU GUYS posts will probably start after Yuletide ends. The brainstorming post is up now, for those of you who might want to get a head start on generating ideas, or even on the writing/drawing itself.

Just saying.

(and spread the word! I know I am not the only one longing for a lot of sex-positivity right now.)

challenge: saying yes!, life outside the internets, process: part preparation and part panic, awesome things by awesome people

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