links, filters, and housecleaning!

Nov 02, 2009 20:58

i. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. The rest of my birthday also turned out very well, and it is nice to have money again, sort of!

ii. I finished Princess Tutu. That will get its own actual reaction post later, but suffice to say: alksdjhfal/kjdsfadsSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and I might have to revise that whole not-writing-fic-for-it thing because Fakir's o_0 face is just too precious.

iii. Via Linden: a gallery of images of women in World War II and the kinds of work they did, Allies-centric. I kind of want to icon some of these, because damn do these girls look cool, and seeing all the kinds of jobs that women took during the war -- and excelled at -- is pretty awesome.

iv. Ficrec time! Linden has France/Russia clothesporn and Enlightenment, and since she basically writes (one of) the best France(s) ever, y'all should read it. Mith's working on No Such Place, and if you guys need me to tell you why my girlfriend combining Hetalia with every Arthurian legend she can get her hands on is awesome, you haven't been reading me enough.
...and hopefully I will have fic to post soon, too. Kinda alternating back and forth between the Cuban Missile Crisis thing and, uh, the England/America motorcycle porn. I have no idea why everyone thinks I'm an intellectual. sob.

v. Yuletide's coming up soon! So who's participating? What fandoms are you offering, and what do you think you'll be requesting? I know I'm going to offer a ton of Shakespeare and Gaiman fandoms like I do every year, because those kinds of stories(-about-stories) sound good on my voice and I like the two things I've written for American Gods and The Tempest respectively. I'm definitely offering Temeraire this year, too, and probably Elizabeth Bear's Promethean Age series, Wicked Gentlemen, Inglorious Basterds, Mad Men, The Scarlet Pimpernel, 1776, and if I were further along in Outlander I'd probably offer that, too. So the trend this year seems to be at-least-kind-of-historical fandoms, sometimes with hints of the supernatural, often with hints of the gay. I feel as though this is a good summary of the kinds of things I write in general.

vi. November is also the month of NaNo, and I'm not quiiiiiiiiite doing it this year, per se. See, Mith and I have developed a Thing. And it is a very lovely Thing, set on an alternate Earth during a time period analogous to the Age of Sail, and features lots of swashbuckling (rebellions! naval battles! daring escapes and rescues!), politicking (culture clash! identity politics!), crazyfacing (lasting consequences of actions and learning to live with them! conversations with otters!), and gay (because every Dashing Young Hero needs a silver fox!). It is a project I intend to talk about a lot, but as it's original work and I'm not sure what its ultimate fate is going to be, it's a project I'm going to talk about on a filter. Some of you are getting put on the filter whether you want to or not. For the rest of y'all, either let me know in a comment/PM if you want in or fill out the poll below:
Poll sweet rabbit
(Note that most of the discussion will be on my journal and not Mith's, since I actually filter and friendslock stuff sometimes.)

I think that covers it. Hooray for Mondays!

process: part preparation and part panic, original: sweet rabbit, awesome things by awesome people, challenge: yuletide, original fiction

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