NYAF! (and pictures!)

Sep 28, 2009 23:01

Do not know if NYAF will get full con report, as the con itself was -- not great. Overcrowded and overpriced ($4 for a bottle of water!), under-paneled, Javitt Center kicking people out at seven and ten on Friday and Saturday respectively, and even the supposed big draw of the con, the dealer's room, didn't have a whole lot I was interested in. (Seriously, people, stock more Hetalia merch.) Oh, and some douchewaffle stole my Banana Fish, which saddens me greatly because that manga is frikkin' awesome and that was the only first volume they had in the entire dealer's room (I checked) and a while ago my mother accidentally got rid of all my Animerica Extra volumes where it was serialized so I am starting to think that fate just does not want me to own this manga.

Le sad.

Because it really is frikkin' awesome. If more BL was like that, I'd...actually like BL.

Also, the security folks were unbelievably rude to me when I tried to report the theft. I understand that trying to find stolen goods at NYAF is a tricky proposition, especially when the stolen good in question is a volume of manga, but there was no need for them to redirect me twice and then point me to a phone and tell me to call the police if I really want to file a report, but neither they nor the staff in charge of security are going to bother to do anything about it. So you're brushing off and dismissing as irrelevant complaints of theft at the con you're supposed to be running security for. Gee, I sure feel safe in that kind of atmosphere.

So I'm probably not going back unless a group of us decides to compete in the Masquerade, which actually was rather good, and even then I think we'd only purchase passes for Saturday. The rest of the convention just isn't worth it.

We've got fun photos, though!

Soviet Saturday, with me as Lithuania, mithrigil as Russia, lindensphinx as Ukraine, and moonsheen as Belarus.

Capitalist Sunday (less alliterative, unfortunately), with me as England, mithrigil as America, lindensphinx as herself, with special appearances by the flags.

So the con itself might've blown, but the company was, as always, wonderful. I don't think I'm going to another one until Katsu, but I've had good experiences there, so I'm very much looking forward to it.

convention: nyaf, life outside the internets, grr argh, i never outgrew playing dressup

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