Part 2--Diptheria! 5-10% death rate

Jan 04, 2007 19:54

Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a bacterium. The bacterium produces a toxin (poison) that is carried in the bloodstream.

Usually, diphtheria develops in the throat. Early symptoms are a sore throat and mild fever. A membrane that forms over the throat and tonsils can make it hard to swallow. The infection also causes the lymph glands and tissue on both sides of the neck to swell to an unusually large size.

Some people can be infected but not appear ill. They can also spread the infection.

Diphtheria is most common in areas where people live in crowded conditions with poor sanitation.Diphtheria is a medical emergency. A delay in treatment can result in death or long-term heart disease. A person with diphtheria should be hospitalized until fully recovered. The person should be given a medicine (diphtheria antitoxin) to fight the diphtheria poison and antibiotics to fight the diphtheria bacteria. Some patients might need mechanical help in breathing (respirator).

Persons who have been in close contact with the patient should have throat cultures and be given antibiotics. They should be closely watched for possible symptoms. Close contacts who have not been immunized should receive a complete series of diphtheria shots. A booster vaccine can be given to persons who have been immunized before.
Diphtheria was once one of the most common causes of death in children.

Overall case-fatality rate is 5%-10% with higher rates (up to 40%) in those under 5 or over 40. This rate has changed very little over the past 50 years (sanitation and better health care have not affected the rates--only the vaccine has changed the rates of infection).

Diphtheria has re-emerged in the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union and in some other parts of the world at near-epidemic levels. The increases have generally been the result of failed public health and immunization programs in areas weakened by economic and social turmoil.
Of 53 cases in the US since 1980, most were unvaccinated or undervaccinated (no percentage given).
The disease still exists in the US, mainly in poor native american populations.
Joint reactions are the only major side effect from the vaccine, and those are rare (no percentage given).

The diphtheria bacteria (hey, it rhymes) produces a toxin, which is what causes most of the damage and kills the victim. Since it starts off with regular respiratory symptoms, which can be mistakenly blamed on a virus, leading people to not seek medical advice, which will be the difference between life and death.

Contracting the disease does NOT give you immunity. Study of the bacteria
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