Jun 20, 2007 10:14
It's Wednesday now. And I haven't left this house since Tuesday last week. Of course, that's not to include the weekend I spent cooped up at Medical City where I watched reruns, and had the crook of my right arm purple-dotted and bruised from all the blood tests.
I haven't been this sick since I was in high school. And the weather then was as shitty as i felt. Here, it's a nice a day. So much to do. So much I want to do.
But I can't. At the risk of me keeling over on some sidewalk. Embarrassed beyond my wits.
I remember how my mother used to get so worried when I would get sick nearing the terms final exams. I realize now it wasn't because the sickness was something grave. But because it was always a sign that I had somehow worked myself to death - disregarding the responsibility I had for the things beyond my brain.
Of course, now, a mosquito brought it along. But that doesn't change the fact that I still obsess over work.
And now I can't do any. Still, it's a nice day out.