Sep 05, 2005 11:17
ok so wrestling start tuesday ive been going to every practice except friday ( 311 playd )
>>>311 is the fuckin shit live !!! they are bad ass even if u dont like them u would like them live.!!!!
>>>at the 311 show they played a set for 2hrs an 40 something min. an after every time they played a song theyd turn the main lights on and u would just see a cloud a huge ass cloud and this was a out door concert .. it was so crazy we were there ..u know just chillin and a cop walks by the back of us but were like 10 ft up an i saw him an he looked at me an i just looked at him an he looked at me an he gave me a thumbs up i was freakin out so i just went back to the nice fatty lol.. we had 9 of them all at least 2 gerbs
>>>ok so i finally quite smoking cig. its been 5 days i still have the worst craving for one ever..ive come to relize that i smoke those things because i really would have gone crazy on someone.
>>>i cant go to practice because i have no ride this sucks ..
ok this is it im out this bithc peace suckas