How close is too close?

Mar 10, 2009 19:11

This article: says that the four things spouses shouldn't do around each other are belching, farting, popping zits (and other things like toenail-clipping,) and leaving the bathroom door open when you're taking a crap. Okay, bull crap. Whoever wrote this article must be extraordinarily weak-stomached of, after years of marriage, that had an effect on their mutual attraction. Seriously. Before marriage I could not CONCEIVE taking a crap with Peiwen in the room. In an attempt to be entirely accurate and NOT entirely TMI, I will put it this way: after you're married long enough to the person you love most in the world (and have had a child together, which... well, some of you have heard my stories about that, so let's move on) their bodily functions are quite honestly no more or less disgusting than your own. So if you find your own bodily functions to be disgusting, and your stomach turns as you perform some of those necessary but less-pleasant personal grooming activities BY ALL MEANS keep the distance. If you're the kind of person who does NOT think the human body is foul, dirty, and disgusting, and can keep a sense of humor about some of the noises (and smells) that erupt in the most natural ways then you can forget this advice. Honestly, when you see your spouse naked you're NOT going to be thinking about that ginormous zit you saw them pop that morning. Your mind will be more... agreeably engaged. :P
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