(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 23:35

i'm tired of:

-being tired (which is a vicious cycle, by the way...)
-not getting my mail in rebates back
-seeing melissa on my missed calls list
-having to clean up after peoples
-being a chubster... I know its greener on the other side of the fence... I just want to be able to climb over a fence...
-working really hard at work and only getting 1 day a week, and when i ask what i can do better to get some more hours, am told "nothing rob, you're first place in PRPs, 3rd and EW/SI and have never called in... Nice job"
-taking shits and not having toilet paper
-not seeing my friends more oftan
-being single
-not having itunes anymore
-not being able to remember the rest od the list

the world can suck it.
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