I saw this on
LuckyKat's site last night.
"Wong Brothers Laundry Service - Two Wongs can make it white"
And the word seems to be spreading quickly as I got an e-mail forward from
Damon this morning... and
Lynn sent
this article out. I just checked their site again and they have taken the shirts off their online store already. Prolly took it off the shelves too. We'll see if they actually address it, and perhaps a formal apology?!... but I highly doubt it for some reason. I wish I could feel like the world is less racist, and that we all have equal opportunities, but from my sociology classes, I've learned that it'll prolly never be solved cuz the privillaged people are the people who run the system... they're fine with the way it is. Why would they sacrafice some of their privillages so the less fortunate could prosper. It comes down to this: the people who have the power to do something about it have no need to do something about it, so why should they? They're in a good place...
A&F is one of my favorite stores, so I couldn't believe it when I first saw it on
Jonathan and I had to go check
A&F's website and see if it was really there. I thought it was some joke, or some product for Yolk or some other Asian thing at first. Then I was just SUPER dissapointed... at them AND at MYSELF. Last season, they had girls tees that had a Latin "theme"... but I didn't think anything about it. I still don't know if it was actually anything offensive cuz I didn't pay much attention to it, but I'm dissapointed cuz I feel like I didn't notice until it effected me... ya know? Sure you can say that those 3 T-shirts about Chinese are funny and cute, but it's just reinforcing stereotypes. That's not cool... Like I learned in my sociology classes, people now a days aren't necessarily any less racist just cuz there's no lynching or segragation; people are more subtle about it now... which is worse cuz it's harder to recognize.