Left House just before 9am
Returned about 6pm ish
Route: Mount Battock and Clachnaben OS Map 44 and 45
Steps: 45679
Distance: 30km
Height: Mount Battock 778m and Clachnaben 599m
Total training distance: 84.6km
Mood: good
Pain: it would be easier to tell you what doesn't hurt, my poor legs
This is my first solo trip into the hills. I very nearly ended up having mountain rescue called. I wasn't lost, I just wasn't quite where I should have been at all times. I took one wrong turn and then I walked to the end of the track when i should have left the track a few km short. The route in the Corbett book is 26km and I walked 30. Which meant I was not home when I should have been and Gazza was getting worried. I should be a bit more careful in the future, it was a good lesson. I have tried to apologise to my legs as best as I can, a long hot soak in the bath and a gentle massage. I will do some gentle stretching before bed and if I can move in the morning I will do some more gentle stretching. I saw lots of wildlife but the coolest thing I saw was a snake sunbathing on the land rover track. I have never seen a snake in the wild before. I think it was an adder, i did manage to get a quick picture before it disappered in the heather.
Edit: What the forestry commission have to say on Adders.
"The adder is the only poisonous snake native to Britain. Adders have the most highly developed poison injecting mechanism of all snakes, but they are not aggressive animals. Adders will only use their poison as a last means of defence, usually if caught or trodden on. No one has died from adder bite in Britain for over 20 years. With proper treatment, the worst effects are nausea and drowsiness, followed by severe swelling and bruising in the area of the bite. Most people who are bitten were handling the snake. Treat adders with respect and leave them alone."