A visit to the vets

Sep 10, 2007 22:56

We had an appointment at the vets this morning.  Murphy has had two appointments for his boosters this year, they were both cancelled as he did disapearing acts, so when he sauntered in last night I locked both cat flaps to keep him in all night.  He got out of both locked catflaps.  The catflap into the porch has a plastic cover that you slide into place, this had been pushed up, the catflap on the door to the outside has a disc that prevents the flap from opening, the flap had been forced out regardless.  Murphy was sat on the other side of the cat flap trying to get back in.  I have no idea how he got past both cat flaps, but I was very glad that i was finally able to take him to the vets for his booster.

Candy is getting very old and dottled, circling and wailing, incontinent and frail.  I have noticed lately that she is drinking a lot of extra water and urinating a lot more.  The vet gave her a good once over, he says her kidneys are shrunken and her breath smells of urea.   He gave her a steroid injection in the hope that would help, he is concerned about putting her under sedation for blood tests.  The injection does not seem to have helped at all, I think we will have to chance the sedation to find out just how bad the kidney damage is.  I don't want her to suffer, I want to know how bad this is for her. 

candy, murphy

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