May 25, 2011 17:17
I am sick and miserable.
I have also been attending compulsory job training, which mostly involves me sitting around and trying not to fall asleep or sneeze on anyone. Here is the most interesting thing I learned today: When asked what attribute mattered most when employing people, 66% of CEOs answered...
..wait for it....
....their "employability."
Wow, they sure have earned those golden handshakes. And that was the most interesting thing.
I have sneezed 27 times already whilst writing this.
To be fair, there was actual useful stuff about resumes yesterday.
In the future, people will record their whole lives. And at any time they will be able to push a button and a program will process the footage and edit it down to a 3 minute dubstep remix with autotuning. Or dub fart sounds to any bending-over footage. The future will not necessarily be better than now.