Nov 29, 2007 20:46
Well... the first trimester is almost over... on Monday I will be entering my 11th week (although I think my weeks start on Wednesdays... but whatever, we'll go with the doctor...)
The nausea thing is getting better. My only problem now is I have picked up a cold from some horrible evil person... There aren't a lot of drugs I can take.. which makes this HORRIBLE!!! and the coughing.. OMG... the coughing!! This is prolly TMI but I cough so hard I end up vomiting and peeing my pants all at the same time. It really sucks... and I don't wanna call into work, because I really want to save up my CTO so I can actually take the full 12 weeks on my maternity leave...
So... yeah... trying not to pee my pants while coughing at work has been real interesting... if I have time... I try to pee once an hour to keep my bladder empty...
My next doctor's appointment is going to be Dec 14th... nothing fun there... have to have the PAP smear and all that fun business--NOT!!! Hopefully I'll get to hear the heart beat again... dont really need to see another ultrasound, although that would be nice...
My family knows now... and are very excited... more than I expected... his family and friends are taking it a little different. They don't say what they're thinking... but the lack of excitement tells you what's reall on their mind when they say the simple, "Congratulations!" and change the subject. His mother probably thinks I'm the white slut that is going to ruin her sons life... whatever... I'm the one trying to talk him out of getting a lap top that he DOESNT need... He already has money issues... and obviously hasn't learned his lesson on credit cards...
I have put up my christmas decorations... it's exciting to have a big tree in my apartment...
Ummm... dunno what else to say.. I hope you all have an enjoyable thanksgiving!!!