
Sep 27, 2021 09:12

A few more pictures of the coast path, and of various stone beasties.

I didn't originally intend to venture into the Tout Quarry Sculpture Park on this visit to the Island. I meant to stay on the coast path. But the coast path had been diverted into Tout Quarry due to cliff falls, so I got to see a few sculptures that had been added since my last visit.

Message just outside the sculpture park. In the current climate, you have to wonder if it was left by anti-vaxxers. But the islanders have always been famed for their non-compliance - an obstreperous bunch, in general. (There's a memorial in the church of Saint George on the Island to several locals killed in the Easton Massacre, a pitched battle between islanders and the press-gang in 1803).

Tout Quarry.


Your guess is as good as mine.

The Roy Dog. "A local tale has long reputed that [Cave Hole on Portland] is home to Roy Dog - a black dog, 'as high as man, with large fiery eyes, one green, one red'. It is said that the creature emerges from the watery depths to seize any traveller passing by Cave Hole and drags them down into his dark watery domain." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Hole,_Portland

As long as they don't come to life after dark, we'll be fine.

coast, art

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