C. persuaded me out of hibernation the house, for a walk across the nature reserve at Arne, down to Shipstal and the harbour. A glorious morning: bright sunshine and frost, everything dazzling. And the harbour so calm that it was hard to tell water from sky.
A minimalist kind of day.
Ducks, geese and cormorants on the water and in flight. Little Egrets creeping along the water's edge. Curlews heard calling, but not seen. But my zoom lens is too tiny, and the birds were all too far away, so no good shots.
And just as we were about to return, "Isn't that a seal?" C. said.
It was indeed a seal. It regarded us mournfully for a few seconds, before vanishing. We waited a while in case it resurfaced, but it had moved on.
The first seal I have ever seen.