Jan 19, 2005 21:00
::::Info about you:::::
Full Name: Kimberly
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Birthday: January 14
Where do you live: Watertown
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
What school do you go to: Watertown High
What is your mascot: A raider?
What are your school colors: red and black..maybe white too?
Nicknames: Kim, Kimba, Kimmy, etc.
Hair color: light brown?
Ever died your hair: yeah
What color: blonde highlights
Hair length: below the boob haha
Eye color: hazel
Height: 5 ft
Have any pets: nope
Pets names: --
Siblings: none
Names and age: --
What do you fear most in the world: death
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: drop out of school lol
Do you have braces: I did..
Do you have glasses: yeah
Are you good at school: I used to be..
Shoe size: 6
Bad habits: prob snapping my gum?
Color: Pink and purple
Teacher: Gus?
Class: none really.. I like English but I hate Neylon.
Day of the week: Friday
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Summer
Month: June
Movie: Center Stage or A Walk To Remember
T.V. show: One Tree Hill, American Dreams, etc.
E-mail buddy: I don't really e-mail anymore
Saying: I don't know?
Brand of shoes: Steve Madden
Radio station: jamn and kiss
Room in your house: my room
State: Massachusetts or Florida
Letter: K
Number: 14,19
Vacation spot: the Cape
Video game: none
:::::This or That:::::
Red or Blue: Blue
Jeans or Khakis: Jeans
Comedy or Drama: Comedy
Computer or TV: Computer
Gold or Silver: Silver
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing
Tall or Short: Taller
Day or Night: Both
Radio or Cd's: Radio
Internet or Phone: Both
Happy or sad: Happy
Funny or hilarious: Hilarious
Summer or winter: Summer
Love or lust: Both
Friends or family: Both
Car or truck: Car
Dog or cat: Dog
Inside or outside: Inside
Hurricane or Tornado: Neither?
Thunder or lightning: Thunder
Rain or snow: Rain
Hail or sleet: Hail
Sunny or cloudy: Sunny
Loud or quiet: Loud!
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Writing or typing: Typing
Cold or hot: Hot :)
Pen or pencil: Pen
Candle or insence: Candle
Plain paper or lined paper: Lined
Blonde or brunette: Brunette
Curly or straight: Both.
Blanket or sleeping bag: Blanket
Wal-mart or target: Target
American Eagle or Abercrombie: Abercrombie
Spanish or German: Spanish
Markers or colored pencils: Markers
nnie or outie: Innie
Land or water: Land?
Sneeze or cough: Cough
Truth or dare: Dare
:::::Love life:::::
Do you have a crush: Yeah
Whats his or her name: Wyatt
How long have you liked him or her: A little over a month
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Chad Michael Murray
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Wyatt! lol
Do you think there is a person for everyone: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: Somewhat
Have you ever been in love: I don't think so..?
What do you think love is: I don't really know..
Do you have a b/f or g/f: Yup
Do you want one: um yea lol
When was your first kiss: 7th grade
Last word you said: : "Um okay?"
Last song you sang: "Let's Get It Started" by Black Eyed Peas
Last meal you ate: Pizzaaaaa
What did you hate most about school: Homework
Last person you flipped off: either Ryan or Wyatt
Last song stuck in your head: Don't remember?
What's in your CD player: Kelly Clarkson
What color sox are you wearing: white
What's under your bed: lots of crap lol
What's the weather like: let's try...FREEZING!
What time did you wake up today: 6:42
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: on time
Who do you want to marry: I'm not sure yet?
Are you going to college: I plan on it
If so, how long do you want to go: As long as I have to?
Where do you want to go: Somewhere close to home. Deff in New England.
What is your career going to be: hopefully medical
Where are you going to live: in a house? lol
How many kids do you want: 3
:::::Have you ever:::::
Smoked: No
drank: Yeah
Been high: Nope
Done drugs: Nope
Partied until the sun came up: Yuppp
Stole: Nope
Stayed up all night on the internet: Yeah
Met someone off the internet (in person): No
Cried over a guy/girl: Yeah
Been in a fist fight: Yup
Been in a cat fight: Yes
Wanted to kill someone: Not literally
Fell off a chair: Yeah? lol
Do you like your handwriting: Sorta
Are you picky: Sometimes
What makes you cry: Let's just say I'm a very emotional person lol
What makes you mad: Everything
Do you believe in God: Yes
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Yeah
Ever worn black nail polish: No
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: I have
Who do you like to shop with? Julie
Talk with the most? Julie, Melissa, Loryn, Amy, Mary, & Steph
Trust the most? All of them
Laugh with...? Julie
Give advice too...? All of them
Who gives you advice? Anyone.
Best Friend? Julie, Melissa, Loryn, Amy, Mary, & Steph
Best dancer? Steph or Maria
Best singer? Without a doubt, Loryn!
Best writer? dk?
Best Smile? I don't know..