OMG! NaNoWriMo

Oct 27, 2010 21:13

It's that time of year again and I have to say I am about 50:50 nervous:excited.

Hopefully I can meet some Canberra NaNo's, cause I am on the verge of stapling the APS code of conduct to the forehead of the next person who introduces themselves with their APS ranking. Your job is not your life people and I really don't want to hear about when you last got promoted.

My Rules for NaNo 2010:

1. Write 1667 to 2000 words at least every day

2. Once you hit 2000 I can read ove my work, with small edits for minor spelling and clear errors.  The main goal is not to edit but to think about what I have writen, what works, what doesn't, where I launched into 400 words of waffle.

3. Create a personal list of writing do's and don'ts, improve this iteratively every day.

4. Don't panic about the word count or the end product, the goal is to write and improve my writing.

5. Get involved with my fellow NaNo'ers (Nanites? Wrimos?)

6. Of there have to be Zombies at least stick with costumes or real Zombies!

zombies, nano

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