In Los Angeles for Orpheus Descending

Feb 17, 2010 23:49

I'm in Los Angeles enjoying the break from our snow and cold back home. Today I took advantage of the great weather since it's supposed to get colder and rain for the end of my trip and I went out to Manhattan Beach. I've been having an intense time at work for the last little while and this vacation was sorely needed but today, sitting on the beach, listening to the ocean and watching the sun go down was a great stress reliever, I enjoyed it so much, I think I'll do it again tomorrow before heading out to Gale's play.


I am so looking forward to seeing Orpheus Descending tomorrow. I saw Gale in New York when he did Suddenly Last Summer but from the sounds of it, he's a more relaxed Gale now and that's a good thing. I am really missing being with positive_pat this time though and I know she really wanted to be here but I'm hoping I can get up the nerve to ask Gale for an autographed program for her. It's a poor substitute for being here but I hope it's some consolation. Pat the request to hug Gale for you may be a little more difficult though!

orpheus, gale

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