Feb 10, 2009 15:39
Bathed dog on Sunday, dog now smells clean and white is whiter - bathroom now dirty and smells like a dog - LOL.
Dog emptied entire stomach contents three times on living room carpet at midnight last night. Spent half an hour doing a bit of a clean up to hold til I could shampoo.
This a.m. between breakfast and me getting dressed upstairs, dog had diarrhea over 1/2 of the living room carpet
At lunch, bought Pepto-Bismol for said dog and used a syringe to try and get in dog's mouth - Pepto Bismol all over me and said dog's (formerly) white parts are now pink.
Spent the rest of my lunch hour cooking hamburger and rice for the dog and shampooing the living room carpet.
Whilst shampooing the living room carpet, left dog outside to stay out of the way and it discovered my plant pots and dug out the dirt and added potting soil to the Pepto-Bismol mix.
Went back to work without having lunch.
It's either laugh or cry!
Going to get a haircut tonight and plastic bags to put dog's head and ass end in. Just kidding! (about the haircut part)!