Feb 27, 2004 22:14
I've got a chill I just can't seem to shake.
And a sinking feeling.
It has nothing to do with what I thought it would.
I mean the fact that I'm dirt poor and trying to figure things out.
Because surprisingly I have a hold on that.
Despite what my mom may think.
It has to do with my friends.
I feel like things are changing over.
I also feel like it's something that people can't understand.
Like having to go to bed early.
Or wanting to be alone.
I really have just wanted to be alone lately.
Not in an unhealthy way, but in a I'm trying to figure my shit out right now and I can't really handle other people's.
This isn't coming out like I want it to.
I know this sounds bitchy.
Today I honestly couldn't speak to scott and get my point across about something silly that I literally had to write it down to figure out what I was trying to say.
I have become so cautious about things.
Like with Brad.
It didn't work out and I really hurt him.
But I have a crush on someone.
And I'm really standoffish.
The end.