
Jul 21, 2004 14:04

Wow, my very own very first Livejournal post.

I've given a lot of thought to why I'm here and what I hope to achieve with my journal. I want to use this space and time to share my life as someone who is healing from serious chronic illness and also to help me grow spiritually until I'm just pure love and loving all the time.

I'm not sure where to start....Do I give a background on my diagnoses and what it's like to live with them and what I've done so far to heal? Do I share where I am now and what my hopes and dreams are? Or do I just talk about my day and figure the story will unfold as it's ready to?

This is so strange for me because I feel like I don't talk very much about the illness, especially compared with how much it affects and disturbs my life. I wonder if my friends would agree, or if they feel like they hear way too much about it.

It's a strange thing, chronic illness, because it's really hard to imagine anyone hurting and feeling sick for that long of a time. So it's really boring to listen to someone talk about being sick for a really long time. And years and years? Don't let's be silly. So I often feel like not sharing what's going on with my body, because I don't want to be a boring whiner.

Here, I think, I'm going to whine all I want because you, Gentle Reader, get to choose what to read and what to skip, and I'm going to trust you to act in your own best interest.

So at this point I'm really, really sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's been 9 years since I was first diagnosed, and for most of those years, I've been doing everything I can to get better. I do take breaks and choose to eat junk food and not work out and not take my meds regularly, but most of the time, I'm on some kick or another, trying to create the most health possible in me.

And now I'm torn....I'm feeling really tired like I should take a rest break, though I'd also like to get deeper into the story. But that will have to wait, because rest will not.

Thanks for journeying with me this far, and I look forward to going further still.
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