At School

Feb 15, 2007 08:34

Sometimes things feel so dumb, so worthless, so frustrating. Ok let me be a little more straight forward. Right NOW things feel sooo dumb sooo useless/worthless, so frustrating. I'm sitting at a computer at WCC killing some time i have before i have to go take a MME (replacing the old MEAP test) practice test. I havent studied for the MME or ACT or SAT and i honestly dont really plan on it except for maybe a bit the week of or the week before i take it. I dont see how studying can help you all that much. Other than like a practice test or one of those HUGE books that my parents gave ed that are SPECIFICALLY on the ACT/SAT--and that might only help a little bit, i just dont think studying is worth it. but by not studying i feel like a slacker who should be doing more. it's like, everyone else around me is stressed, or studying their heads off or something, and for some reason i feel like maybe i should be too. Even though i'm not. No, if i were a freak scholar i wouldnt be sitting here, i would be studying. Not that i didn't study plenty yesterday or anything, i just feel like i should be doing more.

Which reminds me about what we talked about at my house on friday (DON'T COME TO MI CASA THIS FRIDAY yet AGAIN it is CANCELED due to a retreat/conference thing in Detroit goin on all weekend) about giving glory to God in school.

After extensive praying, and reading of C.S. Lewis I came to realize that typically we try to make school fit with our idea of glorifying God. Like we have to strategize it all right so that our idea of glorifying God and school SOME HOW just MUST fit together. Which is dumb because if any of us at all trust C.S. Lewis (or i dunno like...pray about it some) we should come to believe that simply by being at school we are giving glory to God. Why? Because we are created for God and of God, we are created with His glory within us, and we have acknowledged (to some extent) that we are Children of the Most High God. Thus as children of God where ever we go is bringing glory to Him. We don't even have to be supper happy or supper great or supper nice. Just knowing that He is God and we are His children and by following him into the mission fields and learning centers that are disguised(quite well might i add) as our schools we are brining ultimate glory to God in the Highest.

Ah, I feel much better now. Although I am still a bit nervous about this pre-test deal.

Ok I've got to go maybe more on life later.

Hutch--there's your post on school!
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