Apr 12, 2005 22:50
There's about 3 weeks until the semester is out. I'm really happy about that! I've been exhausted and it's hard to keep my brain from hibernating. As soon as this semester at the university is over I have a zillion things to do. I have several people that I'm going to visit and a business trip. I'm also leaving the country a couple times, which is good. I just need classes to end ASAP.
Anyways, I've finally decided to adopt Quint's policy. I'll contact a person 3 times and then it is their turn. If that person doesn't get in touch, they're out for good. It sounds harsh but I've been the one keeping several relationships going and I'm tired of having to be that person. (The one who gets in touch, the one who carries on the conversation, the one who remembers birthdays, etc.) If you care, you can do that for me too. No relationship should be a one-way street.
Let's see. The only thing I have left on my mind that I'll mention is this: I've become more aware of my relationship issues lately. Mostly because, for some reason, I've been infatuated for a while with someone that nothing will ever happen with. It's not even because he dislikes me or I wouldn't let it happen; it's just complicated. It's amazingly frustrating. I've dated other people thinking it'd go away but it hasn't and I'm pissed. I don't know what the right thing to do is and I hate that.