Dec 30, 2005 00:07
So yeah, I've been home for about a week and once Christmas ended, everything got BORING around here. I find myself online more and more each day and I'm sleeping till almost 1 in the afternoon. No one wants to hang out with me. What's up with that? The only thing I have to look forward to is going back to work (and I can tell you how much fun THAT is).
I also find myself missing Jessie a lot now. She's been in Mexico since Christmas and it's been a week since I've seen her. I'm glad she's feeling better and I hope she's having fun. I just can't wait to see her on January 13th.
I want to go back to school. It was fun being home for a few days, but I've got a whole month here, and I really dont want the break to last that long. If I could, I'd go back now. It's weird that I prefer my dorm room to my own bedroom. I guess I like the freedom of being able to do whatever I want or go anywhere I want without having to consult my parents.
I wish my car would hurry up and get here. I'm tired of borrowing cars or bumming rides off people. I need something of my own.
Wake me up when January ends.