I'm sorry I haven't been around and that I haven't updated any of the wip's I'd planned to update. I have been violently sick since Friday with a fever and a viral infection that started in my throat and worked its way into my ear canal and my facial nerves on my left side. Since then the infection has spread into my right ear and I have lost partial hearing in my right ear. My fever is gone but I still tire out very easily and am still recovering. I know, I promised vidoes and fic updates, specifically "Call Me When You're Sober" which is my QAF drug-fic that I specifically promised
hangebokhan I would have updated last week.
As soon as I am able to sit up and concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, I will get these fics and vids updated. My beta for "Return to Liberty Avenue" is probably freaking out cause I haven't sent in Episode 2 yet and I'm down to 8 weeks on my original timeline I set up for myself. I had planned to have everything written and beta'd at least three weeks out from the premier date. I'm starting to have my doubts... *sighs*
I'm exhausted...
And this week has not been the best of weeks.
Yesterday would have been Uncle John's 60th birthday. He passed away last month on Good Friday.
Today would have been my 15th wedding anniversary...
This coming Sunday would have been Mom's 61st birthday. She passed away January 30, 2006.
Too many memories to deal with this week I guess... *sigh*
Love and hugs to my f-list and I hope you all understand and will forgive me for not updating sooner. Everyone please have a safe holiday weekend if you live here in the States. Don't drink and drive and if you're going on vacation, remember the 2 hour driving rule: every 2 hours, pull over, park, get out and walk around to stretch. Change drivers if you can and get plenty of rest.
Take care and more updates soon I hope.