Apr 29, 2007 13:16
A list of things that make me happy (because when I crash later this week, I’m going to need some reminding):
* Sprinkly days in spring with lots of puddles at 6am, and hitting each one... Twice
* Being someone’s hero because i lent them my laundry card and invited them to brunch
* Playing my music on random and having all of my favorite songs of the moment play consecutively
* Being able to look at the year through pictures, and relive everything in 15 minutes
* Wet jeans that are falling off, squeaky crocs, and an umbrella that is clearly just for decoration
* Saving worms
* pink TULIPS that are finally growing by the library!!!!!
* Jack Johnson and Jamie Cullum on rainy days
* Toads that look like leaves on a gravel trail... And their pictures
* Having only one month till I move back out to camp!!!!
* The idea that my life is going pretty damn well right now
* The idea that in 2 weeks I could be seeing family that I haven’t seen since I was 17
* E-mails asking if I remember that time we camped on the beach and somehow woke up with the foot of our sleeping bags in the lake
* Finally figuring out what to do for graduation presents (or some of them at least)
* The way the green grass contrasts with the dull grey of the sky right now
* Letters of recommendation that come in the mail and make me tear up just a little
* Knowing that I have found some of the best friends that I will ever meet, and the hope that it will last until we are old and white (I don’t want to be gray)
* my BLUE SPOON!!!!!
* The junk shop on the corner, and finally getting to go in
* Bare feet
* Books having passages that describe my entire life