This morning Oscar pooped in his potty around 7 as he does most days. Sometimes he has another one mid-morning, but usually not. I was making Scott's smoothie around 8 and Oscar was in his cage. He stopped playing and stood up and started getting whiny. I had to go to the bathroom so I scooped him up on the way. Now when I go, I'll usually put him
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I'm really curious to know more about how EC is working for you though. Have you used any resources (books, video, websites, etc) or just been doing it on your own?
I told Jon about EC because he's so nervous about diapers as a first-time dad, and he's really keen on the idea.
Oh! You are pregnant? Congrats! I have a book on EC that I read when I first got pregnant, but I don't recall much of the content so maybe I should look back at it to see if it has a troubleshooting section! My friend here whose daughter is a little younger than O is also doing it so we encourage each other and talk about how it's going, but mostly I'm on my own with it. I don't think it's in any way realistic for us to go without diapers at all, but we save some. . . More some days than others. It was super easy til he was 7 months old and started teething and got an attitude about it. Sometimes he just will not cooperate. And it's fine, but I feel bad when he's been ok with it for a few days and then suddenly we have a screaming protest and I'm like, whoa, no need for a tantrum there, we don't have to do this!
The book I have is Diaper Free by Ingrid Bauer. I'm a member of the eliminationcomm community on LJ but it's not especially active.
Youtube has videos, too. I watched a couple in the very beginning for help with how to hold a nb on the toilet. We started at 3 days old.
For our cloth diapers, I have 8 Tiny Tush Elite diapers. I use the outer shells with diaper service diapers (small prefolds folded into thirds and laid down the middle work great). I love having the diaper service. At this point I could buy a bunch of prefolds and wash them myself but. . . I'm lazy I guess? In the beginning, with a newborn, having them dropped off and picked up was awesome. I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep up with washing them ( ... )
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