OOC - Character and Mun Information

Jan 01, 2015 00:01

Time Zone: -8 GMT
AIM: Precure Black
MSN: KittanyLilac@hotmail.com
E-mail: NoonanS.M@gmail.com
Tegaki: Lilac-Hime
Anything Else?: YIM: KittanyLilac

In-Character Information
Name : Mikapii (Jigglypuff)
Game/Series: Pokemon/Brawl
Age & Grade Level: 15 / Freshman

Personality: Jigglypuff is a pokemon well-known for its lovely, melodious voice... unfortunately, that is really something that can't be verified considering a mere peep of a Jigglypuff's song results in weariness and, eventually, sleep. This is a fact that has frustrated Mikapii for many years. He is extremely sensitive about how people react to his singing ability, and often grows angry when people fall asleep (even though it is obviously not their fault). In fact, at times he has been known to even draw on the faces of those who have succumbed to his "lullabies". And by "at times" I mean all the time. Doing so serves as a stress reliever for Mikapii. After he draws on the face of someone who fell asleep during his songs, he forgives them for doing so.

Furthermore, to say that Mikapii is flamboyant would be an understatement. With his short stature and love of crossdressing, most people fail to recognize the pokemon's true gender at first glance, especially in gijinka form. And for many others, it takes more than just a glance to learn that Mikapii is, in fact, male. Mikapii himself is no help, prefering to maintain a feminine appearance and never correcting people who assume he is a girl. It isn't that he wishes he were the opposite gender. In fact, he really has no preference for either gender and simply enjoys to wears frilly dresses and bows in his hair because he wants to. His love for these outfits most likely stems from his adoration of pop-stars, who are often known for wearing similar flashy outfits during performances.

Mikapii is known for putting on an act when it comes to his personality. He'll overdo his "performance" as a female, sometimes saying things just for the sake of adding to the gender confusion. While on one hand this allows Mikapii to stand out, on the other it also allows him to push people away and keep them from truly getting to know him. He has trouble with personal relationships, usually due to the fact that many people have trouble accepting him for his adrogynous gender and try to insist he decide whether to act as a boy or girl. Needless to say, the same ambiguity can be seen in Mikapii's sexuality, which not even he seems to be aware of (think: transparent closet).

Mikapii was born into a well-off family in Goldenrod City, owned by an elderly couple running a profitable daycare, with a Wigglytuff Mother and an Azumarill father. Raised in an urban setting, he often spent his afternoons daydreaming about becoming a world-famous pop-singer, just like the ones on tv. He became entranced by their beautiful voices, flashy outfits, and extravagent lifestyles. However, when he expressed such an interest to his father, he was very strictly told never to sing around others. Confused, but unwilling to disobey, he practiced his singing alone and never let anyone hear his melodious voice.

Even though he had such a passion for singing, never being able to express that passion around others caused Mikapii to spend much of his free time by himself. On one hand, this has causes him to become shy in situations involving large groups of people. On the other hand, once he feels comfortable, he still isn't really sure how he should act. Since most of his knowledge on interpersonal interaction comes from watching the highly dramatized lives of celebrities, he often acts a bit strange around others (this relates to the way he acts "extreme" around people, which usually makes him seem like much more of a lady than he really is~).

Determined to live his life by his own standards, he started tying his tuft of pink hair with bows and ribbons, longing to dress just as beautifully as all the women he saw on television. For him, they weren't men and women; they were all muscians and artists. And he wanted to be just like them! Although his father wanted to discourage this behavior, his mother supported it, even going so far as to find funds for his sparkly accessories.

One day, he saw a poster advertising a talent-search in Goldenrod for the next big hit: Goldenrod Idol! Determined to make it to fame, Mikapii practiced more than ever until he'd finally mastered the Sing technique. Unfortunately, the auditions were going to be aired over the radio, and since the actual competition was for humans only, Mikapii snuck into the radio station on the day of the contest. After the final contestant sang their part, Mikapii dove in the way and claimed the microphone, singing with all his heart and soul...!

And everyone fell asleep. The contestants, the judges, the people working in the studio, people listening to the broadcast in the street, people listening in their homes... and, just his luck, the only one who didn't fall asleep in his house? His father, of course! Poor Mikapii was lectured well into the night about how his singing was harmful and dangerous and he needed to forget his impossible dreams about becoming a pop-singer. Mikapii was so upset! How could he be blamed for everyone else falling asleep like that!? That night, still angry and hurt that his talents had gone unnoticed, Mikapii sung a quick lullaby and knocked out his father, drawing a fake moustache and monocle on his face with a permanent marker in revenge.

Naturally this didn't end well. When Azumarill awoke, he was even more furious. He arranged it so that Mikapii would be sent off to boarding school, Sumabura Gakuen, hoping that by the time he graduated and came back he would have gotten over his "silly" obsession with becoming a professional singer...

However, unbeknownst to Azumarill, Mikapii's mother was counting on the opposite. Tucked away in the bag she packed for him was a small black pen with a blue mircophone mounted in top. Use it wisely was all that was included on the note wraped around it...

Anything Else?:
+ He's named after his Japanese voice actor, Mika Kanai, who is often refered to by fans as "Mikapii".
+ He looks a lot younger than he actually is because he's just naturally tiny (5'0''). And he's a trap. BEWARE.
+ In non-Gijinka form, yes, he does wear ridiculously large bows and flowers in his hair. He prefers his frilly dresses in Gijinka though.
+ He'll scribble all over someone's avatar if they fall asleep when he sings. Yes, I'll post pictures. : D

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
Ooh, I got this to work! Finally! ♫♪♫ Uhm! Sooo my name is Mikapii! And I'm a new student! Oh, but I guess you already knew that, heehee~

Nnn, I didn't really wanna come here, but I guess now that I'm already enrolled, I should make the most of it! Maybe I'll actually have fun here?

Ooh! I wonder if there's a music class! Or... or a choir class! Ah, now I'm kinda excited, yay! ♫♪♫

Anyway, I hope I can make some new friends! Nice to meet you all!

In-Character 3rd person writing post:
Snow falls from the sky like a soft blanket, gently covering the bustling city and laying everything in its wake in a soft layer of silence. All is quiet as the citizens of Final Destination City shut themselves in their homes and prepare to wait-out the cold weather. All, save for one person, are absent in this winter wonderland.

Soft pink locks of hair peek out from under a white lace headdress. A full knee-length skirt spins and sways, the bustles in the back struggling to keep up. Snow is kicked about by white boots, dancing to an aimless tune. Together these features form that person: Mikapii, arms outstretched as he twirls in a circle with his eyes shut, dancing to the snowy silence. He is immune to the elements around him, willing away the cold so he can feel the soft snow flakes against his bare arms. After a few minutes of this, he lets out a small giggle as his blue eyes flutter open and taken in the landscape.

White, fluffy, and frozen as far a sthey eye can see. Dim lights attempt to slice through the thick snowscreen but are unsucessful, becoming mere dots of light on the horizon. With another giggle, Mikapii turned heel and went to fetch his coat that he had laid across the snow. Quickly pulling it on, he sighed as his body began to warm back up, relieving his shivers. Oh, how he loved the snow. The peaceful silence was like a symphony all it's own; while far different from his own musical interests, he still couldn't help but feel mesmerized by it...

Not to mention, with this blanket of silence, he could sing as he pleased.

Taking in a deep breath, he let out a simple, steady note. That note gradually grew higher, climbing up the range to its highest octave before climbing back down and dipping to its lowest. Having properly warmed up, he smiled and took another breath before belting out a small tune. His notes echoed off into the distance, distorted and muffled by the falling snow. As he finished, he looked around and heard no echo and, thankfully, no snoring. No one fell asleep because no one was there!

Somedays he wished he could actually sing for people without them falling asleep... ah, but such was life. Not wishing to drag down his mood, he put on a smile and skipped away into the snowy winter night.

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